The finesse of capturing the intimacy, romance and personality of couples in wedding photography is about so much more than snapping pictures. You have to hone your craft, and find new ways to take it to the next level. Each year, my colleague Allison and I make it essential to go to WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photography International) in Las Vegas. Not only do we go to fine tune our work in D.C. wedding photography, but also to stay current in the industry and to meet peers.
The expo normally takes place in the beginning of March, but for 2020 it’s coming up at the end of February. Since Nevada has such amazing light, we decided to set up a few of our own shoots while we were there in 2018 to take advantage of the fantastic natural brightness and views.
Jess and Josh are friends of friends, and had recently become engaged at the time of the shoot. They were married this last summer (2019). This couple is just adorable, and they were very excited to join us for a stunning, romantic engagement session. Josh is a minor league baseball player and Jess is a nurse.

The two were so excited about being in love and starting to plan their wedding, and watching them together was such a pleasure for me; one of my favorite things about my job is the start of a new journey, and all of the hope and promise and excitement it brings. I also love meeting people in new situations and hearing all about their life story for an intimate engagement session.

We went with them to Eldorado Dry Lake Bed, which is a playa (or sink lake) at the bottom of the basin of Eldorado Valley. With its unique scenery and stunning views of the mountains in the foreground, Eldorado Dry Lake Bed is truly a photographer’s dream.
Vegas is such a one-of-a-kind place; when you are on the back roads outside of town, there are random off-roading paths you can explore. Of course, there is no cell service, so we totally just hoped and prayed that we would find each other. Luckily, we did, and this Vegas engagement session turned out amazingly! It was a wonderful opportunity to try out some of the new things Allison and I had learned at WPPI that year. We’re looking forward to what we’ll learn this time around. Check out another engagement session we did in Vegas.