Centerville High School Senior Pictures
Kelly, Class of 2018
I was so beyond excited when I met Kelly at an ice cream shop where she works. I asked her if she had taken her senior photos yet and luckily for me she hadn’t. Of course, she chatted with her mom and next thing you know, I am meeting up with her and her mom for coffee in Centerville to chat about her session.
Kelly picked out some amazing outfits for her session. I especially loved her flow dress that she purchased from Forever 21. I absolutely adore the floral pattern and it just fit her so well.
I would say Kelly’s senior portrait session was my first official session after moving to Northern Virginia. And we got so lucky with the lighting and the backdrop. We went to Manassas National Battlefield and the setting was perfection. I am super nervous to find some new locations, but I am sure that will be on my list of usual spots I like to shoot at.